Be Positive: Like B+ blood donor Briana

by Briana Andella

I am positive that I am petrified and hate needles.

Over the years and still to this day at 26 years old I: cry, scream, become nauseous, almost pass out, try escaping, skip routine bloodwork, only receive required vaccines and in the past even lied about an appointment’s location when a family member took me for bloodwork.  Needles and I do NOT get along. I suffer from myofascial pain syndrome/fibromyalgia as well as other health issues; all of this causes widespread pain thus making needles even more difficult for me. I can vividly feel the whole process, from the needle going into my body and staying in to either the vaccine going into my body or with bloodwork the removable of my blood.  It is extremely painful and I try to avoid them at all costs, until now.

In May 2020 my older sister, Brittany, was 7 months along with her 3rd pregnancy.  Her bloodwork came back with elevated titer levels so her doctor referred her to a specialist for a level two ultrasound.  Off she went alone to the appointment due to COVID-19, there she discovered her baby had a rare condition: fetal anemia. Fetal anemia is when the fetus doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells and when the amount of red blood cells falls below normal levels, it can adversely affect the fetus and the pregnancy.

My sister, her husband Greg and their team of doctors had a plan to ensure the baby’s health and safety. Over the next month my sister underwent 2 separate procedures to give her baby 2 in utero blood transfusions that were desperately needed. In June 2020 my sister, her husband, their two daughters and the rest of our family welcomed a beautiful baby boy named Mason. Due to his condition he was delivered a month early to increase his survival chances. Within minutes of being born he was rushed to the NICU where he remained under close supervision being poked and prodded by countless doctors running tests to ensure he was improving over the next month. In the 3 months following his birth Mason underwent 5 more blood transfusions before he was given the all clear that he was no longer anemic.

With some great news finally my sister and her family were able to breathe a sigh of relief. My sister then set out a goal for 2021: to donate blood 7 times to replenish the stock her baby boy needed and to pay it forward to more people, since 1 donation can save up to 3 lives.  Unfortunately, after 2 donations she received a call from the American Red Cross saying that she was ineligible to donate anymore due to the number of antibodies that she now carries.  When my sister shared this news with me she was heartbroken because she wanted to give back to a cause that helped give her family a precious little boy.  Without hesitation I told her I would take one for the team and finish her goal. Just over a week later I had my first ever blood donation appointment with my sister by my side. Each appointment has been a little rocky for me: I either almost pass out, but thank goodness for the amazing phlebotomists that the American Red Cross employs who help with preventing it; or my hemoglobin levels are just below eligibility.  Yet, even with every setback and painful moment I push through to reach my sister’s, and now my, combined goal of 7 blood donations in 2021.

I donate to pay it forward to other families and to say THANK YOU to those who have donated and the entire American Red Cross Organization that helped bring my nephew to our family.  Mason is now the happiest, healthiest and sweetest little boy I have ever met and I know our family could not picture life without him.

Prior to the diagnosis and struggles that my nephew and our family went through I would have never in a million years considered donating blood.  Since then, I am beyond thankful not everyone has that mindset, because without others selflessness of donating my family may not have a healthy Mason in our lives. Although my family and I had to go through life altering circumstances for some of us to find the value of blood donation I truly hope our story will help others get over their fear, even just for an hour, and donate to help others. You never know when life will throw a curveball that may require you or someone you love to need a blood transfusion. Use our story as your sign to donate today to save another family from potential heartache, because if I can do it ANYONE can!

I am positive that I am petrified and hate needles, but I am positive I love my family and others more…I tell myself that the pain is temporary but the impact lasts a lifetime.

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